Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pre-Roto Tilling Pictures and Week 4 Update

These are pictures from Monday before we roto-tilled. Now the outdoor classroom looks like... DIRT!

It is SOOOO hot today! Yesterday I think we had a record number of people working in the Outdoor Classroom. We have been fortunate to have some really enthusiastic volunteers from the local TSA chapter that the technology teacher leads. The high schoolers have been a ton of help and fun to talk to. They've said they enjoy feeling like they are doing something productive with their time. I really appreciate that they continue to go above and beyond what is required for service in their schools. They are really good at using machetes, hatchets, and pick axes to get out the really stubborn roots :-).
I've started listening to NPR when I get to the Outdoor Classroom early. Yesterday they talked about eating bugs and they played whale songs. I think I need to bring in some CDs.
On Monday, one of the families stayed for SEVEN hours as the father roto-tilled the entire space. The students helped me collect soil samples which I dropped off to get analyzed yesterday. Yesterday the technology teacher through a stepping stone on a ground nest as we held the doors open for him to run through. We are trying to smother them. One family has been working on designs with some old software for landscaping. The designs are impressive. There are even 3-D images! The school community amazes and inspires me.

Now that we've roto-tilled we are removing roots and untilled patches. Then we will roto-till again with compost added, lay cardboard on top, and then put mulch on all of that. Preparing the soil is the hardest part from what I've heard and I'm glad. I can't wait to plant in the fall. The TSA students are going to do a lot of the construction for a competition.

1 comment:

  1. blerg! The technology teacher THREW a stepping stone... jeez!
